You Must Login To Chat

I've have to get in chat haven't been here for awhile myself
just my hours kinda suck since I've been back to work. how's all my twinkie friends?

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Hello everyone. Some years ago I used to chat with a lots of friendly people here. Then one day my account just dissapeared. A while later I had to made a new account, but after that I could never see anyone in the chat, until last week. But I was so dissapointed that the people there was so disrespectful and unfriendly. They were just talking about me and not with me, and what they said was mean things about me. I just don't understand why because I tried to be friendly. This is so sad because this used to be my favourite place. I was here every day and I miss everybody who used to be here.

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  • I can still see my old account (Storm) here, but I can't use it...
    2 weeks ago
  • you just shouldn't take anything personal everyone is nice
    2 weeks ago
  • Maybe not the same time but I was in there last week when you came in and nothing mean was said about you-- BUT the chat is only available to people who are willing to go on webcam. If you skirt the system and aim your webcam at the table or the wall then you're not going to have the best experience. You can't say you were trying to be friendly when you said nothing and did not show yourself on cam. That said, EVERYONE is welcome and your old user account did NOT disappear. Not only is it still there, it was never punished for anything, suspended, nor self-deactivated.
    2 weeks ago
  • It was probably not the same time, because I started the cam when I entered the chat, and I was not quiet. I said hello to everybody. Tha's why I was a bit surprised. But I will try to go online, because I know there are nice peoples there. Have a nice day everyone
    2 weeks ago

Happy 4th of July Twinkies

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Happy Birthday Jim so sorry for not being in chat for awhile just been super busy and wore out by days end. and trying to put myself back together miss you all my twinkie friends

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  • Thanks
    3 months ago

Happy Birthgay!

2 months ago

Jim's birthday! Join us in the chat tonight for some well-mannered frivolity!

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Liquor dept. was out of Old Overholt bottled-in-bond so I had to get the 86 proof version to fill my rye whiskey decanter.

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Howdy everyone... been awhile but I haven't gone away completely!

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jim britton
  • I log in every now and then, there's not much activity unfortunately
    5 months ago

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7 months ago

Jizz n mess, jizz n mess, jizz my twinky chest. Make me moan, I want it rough in my one-strap chest harness, hey!

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jim jmsel
  • Sexy
    6 months ago
7 months ago

Merry Christmas you magnificent bastards!

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8 months ago

Merry Christmas

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britton jmsel jim
8 months ago

I just want you on all fours. Open wide and let it flow. Kiss me out of the blue. All I want for Christmas is you.

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jim britton thehellion
7 months ago

You better know what? You better get fucked. You better go suck my big little cock. Santa Claus is comin' to town.

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britton jim jmsel iowahotboy
  • cute
    8 months ago

Its not about you, its about the consumer.

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jim blessmj